By making use of thermal a camera and high-performance software, a cost-effective, highly reliable system featuring traffic information acquisition, accident detection, railway monitoring, vehicle-mounted human detection can be built.
The system has various advantages such as the fact that the thermal camera captures objects easily even in the challenging occasions such as at sunset and in backlight, and it enables more successful judgement of objects in image processing.
The system has been successfully introduced globally and delivered to many customers, and it contributes to safer operation of roadways and railways there.
- 赤外センサ、カメラの試験
- サーモグラフィ
- ガス検知用カメラ
- 赤外カメラ
- ハイパースペクトルカメラ
- 防衛用途関連製品
- 分光測定
- 光源
- オプティクス(光学部品)
- センサ(検出器)
- 紫外線センサ・UV照度計
- ハンディ近赤外分光器
- 高精度 NDIR ガスセンサ
- NDIRマルチガスセンサ
- PAS 光音響マルチガスセンサ
- 乾熱滅菌インキュベータ用 CO2/炭酸ガスセンサ
- CO2 / 二酸化炭素 炭酸ガスセンサ
- CO / 一酸化炭素センサ
- CH4 / メタンセンサ
- C2H2 / アセチレンセンサ
- C2H4 / エチレンセンサ
- C3H8 / プロパンセンサ
- C4H10 / ブタンセンサ
- HCOOH / ギ酸センサ
- NH3 / アンモニアセンサ
- N2O / 亜酸化窒素(一酸化二窒素/笑気ガス)センサ
- NO / 一酸化窒素センサ
- SO2 / 二酸化硫黄センサ
- SF6 / 六フッ化硫黄センサ
- 代替フロン/冷媒ガスセンサ
- SO2F2 / CH3Br 燻蒸ガスセンサ
- ガスセンサ用 アクセサリ
- ダイヤモンド 真空窓
- CO2レーザ用 ダイヤモンド窓
- マイクロ波・THz用 ダイヤモンド窓
- X線用 ダイヤモンド窓
- ダイヤモンド X線反射ターゲット
- ダイヤモンド X線フィルタ
- ダイヤモンド 透過ターゲット
- CVDダイヤモンド X線ビームモニター
- ダイヤモンドレンズ
- ダイヤモンド ATRプリズム
- ダイヤモンド ブリュースターウィンドウ
- ダイヤモンド ビームスプリッタ
- ダイヤモンドディスク / ダイヤモンドウェハ
- ダイヤモンド リキッドセル
- ダイヤモンド 箔/薄膜
- 超高精度ダイヤモンドボール
- ダイヤモンド製 ドームツイーター
- ダイヤモンド ヒートスプレッダ・ヒートシンク
- ダイヤモンド窓
- CVDダイヤモンド製 耐摩耗部品
- チョッパ・ロックインアンプ
- 4D Technology Inc.
- Chromar Technology
- CI Systems
- ClydeHSI(Clyde HyperSpectral Imaging and Technology Ltd)
- InfraTec
- Janos Technology
- LinkedAll Aerial Solutions
- Noptel Oy
- Ophir(Ophir Optronics Solutions Ltd.)
- Raptor Photonics
- RP Optical Lab
- SCD(SemiConductor Devices)
- Sierra-Olympia(Sierra-Olympia Technologies Inc.)
- StingRay(Div. of G&H)
Intelligent Transportation Systems

Monitoring Solution to Protect Safety and Comfort of Roadway Users
Day and Night, with Harsh weather conditions, the system utilizes reliability of thermal image information.
Traffic Data Acquisition
FLIR’s Intelligent Transportation Systems enables acquisition of highly reliable data inexpensively without needing a large-scale construction. It measures vehicle length and can judge whether the car is a large vehicle.

Detection of intruders into roadway/railway track
Although intrusions into highway or railway track and crossing can leads to injury accidents, they cannot be thoroughly monitored by human eyes. With a thermal camera and sophisticated image analysis technology, the system automatically detect a person intruding the monitored area.

Reverse Run Detection
The system can provide highly-reliable reverse run detection budget-friendly. Alert outputs to external systems such as electric bulletin boards and speakers can be easily set up.

Accident Detection
Efficiency of accident management depends on swiftness of accident detection and verification. This accident detection solution detects a vehicle which caused an accident and stopped quickly within several seconds and output alarm to prevent a second accident.

Solution to Support Safe Driving of Roadway manager
Onboard IR(thermal) camera
Mounted on a vehicle, the camera automatically detects and recognizes pedestrians and animals in the running direction during drive. The camera is ideal for drive assist in the situation where the visibility is poor such as at night, in a heavy fog and through a snowstorm.
Principle of Intelligent Transportation Systems
Input signal is sent out to the detector from the thermal camera or the visible camera. The detector is installed either in the camera body or the 19 in. rack. The detection area is displayed overlapping on the normal image after settings of the camera or the video image process module.
System starts detection as vehicles and pedestrians enter the detection area. Various traffic information such as detection data, accident-related data, data for statistic analysis, data for analysis of before- and after-accident are generated by making use of the special algorithm. Traffic data, compressed images and alarms are sent to a control room. Setting to activate other systems such as image processor and digital traffic sign is also possible. When an alarm is activated, an administrator in the control room receive images of the situation, and he/she can take an appropriate measure.
Camera Systems lineup
Various cameras are available to suit your monitoring objects, detection area, detection distance, installation locations.
Compact Camera with built-in-software
The camera is for stationary use. A CMOS camera or an infrared camera is packaged with the detection software in a approx. 10cm square housing. The camera is ready to use only by connecting to a PC.

Model | TrafiCam(Visible) | Thermicam (IR(thermal)) |
Image format | 640×480 | 336×226 |
Detection distance | 0-25m or 15-75m | 0-20m or 15-60m or 30-90m |
Installation location | 3.5-12m | |
Environmental tolerance | IP67 |
Vehicle-mounted IR camera for pedestrian detection
The camera has a high-pixel IR camera and pedestrian detection software built-in. Drive voltage is 12VDC, video output is NTSC.

Image format | FOV | Size | Weight |
320×240 | 24°(h)x18°(v) | 60x86x82mm | 300g |